Twitter Seva in UP Police

With the continuous efforts and enthusiasm of UP Police Department in adapting Twitter Seva, it is now an Award-winning Governance Department. The real success of UP Police’s Twitter Seva lies in inspiring several other Governance bodies, that followed their footsteps. And that should tell you how History was created. Opalina is proud to be associated with a service as big as this.


Social media is no longer a niche corner, but a necessary platform through which communications happen and interactions continue. From Individuals to Corporates, Social media is the avenue for public engagement. Governance bodies are no different. Governance sectors with foresight have started taking note of the enormous power of Social Media. Public interface is no longer a distant thing, but something that is easily accessible. Governance is now closer to the Public, thanks to Digitization. Digitalizing possible governance operations has become increasingly challenging and rightfully on priority.

About the Client

UP police, the world’s largest police organization serving 200 million people in the most populous state of India, is one of the busiest governance bodies with a foresight. For a long time, the diligent UP Police Department’s intention was to strengthen their connection with public and respond to the real-time complaints. To improve the overall civil safety and to enhance law and order in the state was the prime motto. To achieve the same, connection with the Public was essential. The Department needed a system where public connection can be digitized for easy access of complaints and immediate action.

The Challenge

The idea behind the service was to provide the UP police, among other things, strengthening of its primary relationship with the citizens by providing fast, efficient and real time response to complaints and SoS's raised by the 220 plus million population in the states.

The Solution

UP Police adopted Twitter Seva a CRM, which is the bi-product of Twitter India to revolutionize their interactions with public. Aiming to drive efficient and effective Public service for millions, Twitter Seva has taken public engagement of UP police to the next level, enabling them to interact through Twitter on public complaints. Considering that Twitter is a powerful media for connecting with public, Twitter Seva provided them the robust solution for effective connection between department and the common man. Handling grievances in real time was made effective and easy. With live reports on the platform, status-monitoring of complaints became transparent and efficient.

The Result

With the continuous efforts and enthusiasm of UP Police Department in adapting Twitter Seva, it is now an Award-winning Governance Department. The real success of UP Police’s Twitter Seva lies in inspiring several other Governance bodies, that followed their footsteps. And that should tell you how History was created. Opalina is proud to be associated with a service as big as this.